Xbox One update voor maart bekend gemaakt

Xbox One update voor maart bekend gemaakt

Elke maand brengt Microsoft een nieuwe update uit voor de Xbox One. Gamers kunnen functies en features aanvragen welke, wanneer ze bijzonder populair zijn, daadwerkelijk geïmplementeerd worden in het systeem. Daarom zal het in maart eindelijk mogelijk zijn om screenshots te maken met je console. Door op de guide button te drukken tijdens het spelen en daarna op Y te rammen, maakt je Xbox One een screenshot. Mensen met Kinect roepen gewoon ‘Xbox take a screenshot’. Daarnaast zijn er verschillende andere functies die toegevoegd gaan worden.

Screenshots – New in preview is a highly requested feature by our community from the Xbox feedback site. While playing a game, you can now take screenshots on your Xbox One console by simply double-tapping the Xbox button on your controller to capture a screenshot and pressing Y to save the screenshot. You can also say “Xbox Take a Screenshot” to take and save a screenshot.

The Upload app is being updated so that you can manage your screenshots in addition to your game clips. You can use a screenshot as your background, by viewing the screenshot in full-screen mode from the Upload app, then, press the Menu button and select Set as background. In coming preview builds, you will be able to use Upload to share screenshots to your activity feed, attach to messages, add screenshots to your showcase, and eventually share to Twitter. Also, your screenshots will be visible in your profile alongside your game clips. In the initial preview build, the sharing functions are not yet enabled, but you can start capturing screenshots and using them for your backgrounds.

Suggested friends – With the suggested friends feature, the Friends area in Home and your Friends List will help you find and add friends. Suggested friends will include people you might know, so you add more friends to game with, and top community broadcasters and clip creators, so you can get more great content in your activity feed. We’re also adding a new suggested friends page to the Friends area.

Sharing your name – This month in preview, we’re rolling out two new ways to share your real name; with all of your friends or to everyone in the Xbox Live community. You can also continue to share your real name with select friends, or with no one, if that’s what you prefer. Gamertags are still the primary method of identifying yourself on Xbox Live, but sharing your real name helps people recognize you who might not know you by your gamertag. The new name sharing options can be found under Friends > My profile > Name sharing settings.

Tile transparency – We continue to listen to your feedback and are adding a setting to enable you to vary the level of transparency for your background images, go to Settings > My Xbox > Tile transparency.

Privacy and online safety settings – We added a new setting for sharing voice search data to create an option for you to allow collection and analysis of voice data when using Xbox – Bing to search. You can go to Settings > Privacy and online safety > Share voice search data to change the setting.

Report spam – The Messages app has an added option to allow you to notify Xbox when you receive spam. You can now select a specific message, press the A button and then select Report > Spam to report a specific message as spam.

OneGuide for Australia – Support for OneGuide will continue in preview in Australia for free-to-air TV listings.

Xbox One Digital TV Tuner in Australia – Xbox One owners in Australia with an Xbox Digital TV Tuner can now use it with the preview builds of this month’s release.

Mensen die lid zijn van het preview programma van Microsoft hebben de update inmiddels op de Xbox One staan. En ja, het maken van screenshots werkt inderdaad. Zonder veel moeite staat jouw laatste beeld op je Twitter.

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